
Regent committee charters available in Regents Policy Manual (RPM) in Appendix – RPM 1.00-B – Bylaws of the Regents of New Mexico State University.

Regents Financial Strategies, Performance and Budget Committee

Voting Members

Regent Deborah Romero, Chair

President Valerio Ferme, Ph.D.

Craig Buchanan (Community Member)

Rose Fierro (Community Member)

Non-Voting Members

Dean Bryan Ashenbaum, Ph.D.

ASNMSU President Ala Alhalholy

Chief Budget Officer Kim Rumford, Ph.D.

Interim Provost Lakshmi Reddi, Ph.D.

Interim Vice President for Administration and Finance Chris Kinsley

Professor/Department Head Steve Stochaj, Ph.D., Co-Chair

NMDA Secretary Jeff Witte

Regents Student Success Committee

Voting Members

Regent Christopher Saucedo, J.D., Chair

Interim Provost Lakshmi Reddi, Ph.D.

Amy Himelright, Co-chair (Community Member)

Rebecca Lescombes (Community Member)

Rick Lucero (Community Member)

Non-Voting Members

Assistant Vice President Clayton Abbey

President Valerio Ferme, Ph.D.

NMSU - Alamogordo Vice President for Academic Affairs Mark Cal, Ph.D.

NMSU - Grants Vice President for Academic Affairs Marlene Chavez-Toivanen, Ph.D.

Vice President Luis Cifuentes, Ph.D.

Faculty Senate Chair Vimal Chaitanya, Ph.D.

ASNMSU President Ala Alhalholy

Dean Enrico Pontelli, Ph.D.

Vice President for Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Teresa Maria "Linda" Scholz, Ph.D.

Associate Dean for Research for the College of Arts & Sciences Michele Shuster, Ph.D.

Chancellor NMSU System Community Colleges Monica Torres, Ph.D.

NMSU Global Chancellor Sherry Kollmann

Regents Audit and Risk Committee

Voting Members

Regent Ammu Devasthali, Ph.D., Chair

Regent Deborah Romero

Brad Beasley, Co-Chair (Community Member)

Shari Jones (Community Member)

Associate Professor of Accounting and Information Systems Yan Zhang, Ph.D.

Non-Voting Members

President Valerio Ferme, Ph.D.

General Counsel Lisa Henderson, J.D.

Interim Chief Audit Executive John Frye

Regents Real Estate Committee

Voting Members

Regent Ammu Devasthali, Ph.D.

President Valerio Ferme, Ph.D.

Dean Rolando Flores Galarza, Ph.D.

Van Bullock (Community Member)

Laura Conniff (Community Member)

Mickey Clute (Community Member)

Chris Dulany, Co-chair (Community Member)

Laura Riley (Community Member)

Non-Voting Members

Special Assistant to the President Scott Eschenbrenner

Associate General Counsel Scott Field, J.D. (for General Counsel)

ASNMSU President Ala Alhalholy

Associate Vice President for Facilities & Services Raghu Raghavan

Other Regent Committees

NMSU Arrowhead Center Board of Directors (regent members)

Regent Ammu Devasthali

Honorary Degree Selection Committee (regent members)

Regent Christopher Saucedo

New Mexico Higher Education Regent Coalition (NMSU regent representatives)

Regent Christopher Saucedo